Monday, May 21

"Be Positive" is the Phrase of Life

Positive thinking radiates the positive cosmic energy. This nurtures the people and cleanse environment around us. I CAN DO or WE CAN DO emit waves of energy. We can change ourselves into a powerhouse by consciuos and systematic generation of this superior energy. Like conservation of energy, we can conserve our positivities by reducing the consumption of negativities.

Positive attitude strengthens the individual and makes him confident. Positive thinking does not merely mean repeating the words like things would be alright, I would achieve my goal etc. Positive thought is a trait in totality. It shows the way how a person carries himself/herself in real world situation. The dedication towards self and the people around him can be the barometer. In my opinion taking the best possible care of one's health is the most important positve aspect of the personality. One has to be physically and mentally capable to send out good ripples.

This world is inhabitated by living beings and among which human being has been bestowed with superior intellect. This superior intellect makes us more responsible. Our responsibility towards other living being and towards our fellow human being gains additional importance. We have to share this challenge. We have to make this world a better place to live in. We have to start from ourselves. To make the world better, we have to work at MICRO level. The MACRO level change can be effected by MICRO level conditioning.

In the present day world, people are dissatisfied. They are dissatisfied with the contradictions and conflicts in this world. There is pulls and pressures on morality, honesty and ideal societal behaviour. I am amazed to see the cleavage between affluence and misery. The worldly abundance shines with the darkness of abject poverty. A bewildering number of people in this world is illeterate and many of them do not get even a square meal. For them healthcare is a luxury. Several of them are so unfortunate that they never know the reason of their bad health and ultimate death. There is oft-quoted clash of civilizations. Climate is changing for the worse. Trade policies are skewed. Geopolitics has become narrower. Wish of an individual has prominence over the legitimate interest of the nation. The dirction of technological development is not guided by the larger good. Everyday, we are shocked by some wild human behaviour, we are ashamed of some tale of deprivation and we are astonished by some barbaric act. There is rampant prevalence of extreme human behaviour. Reasonableness has taken a back seat. Individuals are gone. They are just groups, gangs, tribe, party, crowd, herd. Nobody is applying the reasoning and adheres to ethics and morality.

These are the difficulties in continuous and natural flow of positive energy in the human being. Now we have to TRY to develop positivities. The human mind is the repository of immense possibilities. We have to inflect and realize its potential. Starting point could be we ourselves. We are a part and parcel of the society, country, world, universe and beyond.

General Analysis of the situation reveals that most of our woes are man-made. This can be rectified by dedicating ourselves to ourselves. If we become better, the world is certainly going to be better. Our combined positive cosmic energy can transform the world. John F. Kenedy said, "our problems are man-made and, therefore, they may be solved by the man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human being". I have complete faith in this saying and I hope that you should have more faith in this saying.
Shall come back with more positivities......


Unknown said...

A commendable effort. Keep it up. But, why is the comments page appearing in Slovak?

Here is a positive quote for you:

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty" - Winston Churchil


Chandramouli said...

Thanks, probably your google is set for slovak language.