Saturday, April 21


Please accept my heartiest congratulations on the occasion of India's successful test-firing of Agni V. This missile is capable of hitting a target up to 5000 km. However, as per statement of DRDO chief, this range can be increased on WILL.  A Chinese expert has also claimed that India underplayed the capability of Agni V to allay fear of other nations. Branding it Long Range Ballistic Missile is just a misnomer. It can, therefore, be fairly assumed that threshold ICBM capability has been achieved by Indian Scientists. Icing on the cake is that it can take nuclear weapons on board. BRAVO!

In modern days, full scale war between capable nations will be rare. Enhanced defence preparedness will help in averting war. Countries know each other and their range of penetration. They would never strike if they know that response would be mighty. India's stated policy of 'no first use' of nuclear weapons is aimed at achieving this end.

We, the citizen of India, salute you for this historical achievement.