Sunday, March 11

Poems of Anubhuti

This Never-ending Path I Chose

In the land of nowhere
I was wondering were I was
Skeletons surronding me

Of those who chose the path I did
I wished at the fork of the road
I had chosen the other path
which many chose and came to an end
This neverending path I chose
with difficulties one above another
This neverending path I chose
which many did not choose to go
This neverending path I chose
This neverending path I chose

As far as the eye can see

I looked at myself
I can't believe what I see
I see all the stuff I hide
I saw me rotting

My mom thinks I am...
as charming as the moon
as beautiful as a rose
as lovely as a lake
where people like to stay
as atractive as fireflies

My dad thinks...
as sincere as sunlight
as disciplined as a teacher
as lazy as a hippo
as supporting as cheerleaders

My brother thinks...
as loving as mom
as humorous as a clown
as kind as a donator
as caring as well me
as honest as a sage
as wise an old person
as knowledgeable as a book

As a friend people think of me as

A fun friend to hang out with
I have a twinkle in my way
I am awfully
as kind as a donater
As respetful as a citizen to its country

Those just see my bright side
the way I look out side
but they don't know me inside
and as they do this poem will be the opposite of what it was

Litter is Bitter

I am bitter when I see litter
we should be hygenic
we should be green
we should keep our city green
I am bitter when I see litter

These are few poems written by Ms Anubhuti Chitra, my sweet daughter studying in Class VI

Thursday, March 8

होली की अनंत शुभकामनायें

आप सभी को होली की अनंत शुभकामनायें. आपका  जीवन रंग बिरंगी हो, आपका सौभाग्य गुलाल की तरह ऊपर की ओर उठता जाये. ये पर्व आपसी प्रेम और सौहार्द्र का है. आइये हम सब मिलकर संपूर्ण विश्व को एक ही रंग में रंग दें. मानव मानवता के रंग में रंग जाएँ. वे मानव के अलावा कुछ और न हों. भगवान ने पुरे विश्व में विविधता भरकर होली की अनुपम छठा बिखेरी है. हर रंग का समुचित समावेश किया है. ना कुछ ज्यादा ना कुछ कम. मात्रा एकदम नपा तुला.    

होली हमें एक मौका देता है की हम आज सबकुछ भूलकर एक दुसरे से गले मिल जाएँ. केवल स्नेह की बयार बहे.  

मैथिल बंधुओं को होली के मौके पर नव वर्ष की बधाइयाँ. 

सदा आनंद रहे अहि द्वारे मोहों खेले होली हो. 
जोगीरा सा रा रा रा.........